Cobham consulting are participating in the 17 Global Goals and are doing our bit for the planet. 

We have decided to focus primarily on Education as quality education leads you to be able to undertake more challenging and better paid employment. The objectives of the Education Goal include making sure by 2030 there is equal access to all women and men, affordable and quality technical, vocation and tertiary education including university across the world. 

-          Quality education – We have recently all taken some time to visit the Sixth Form students at JFK school to hold mock interviews with them. We have given them tips and tricks including how to write a strong CV, how to prep yourself fully for an interview and how to present yourself during an interview.

-          Climate action – As a company we are actively working on becoming a paperless office. Our paper waste has been reduced by 20% since the beginning of 2020.

-          We have taken part in odd socks day and donated to anti bullying alliance.

-          Caroline currently supports South Hill Centre in Hemel Hempstead offering free career advice to clients who do not have jobs and help them look at opportunities in training and work.

Steve and Caroline support their daughters’ school by a monthly financial giving plan and have volunteered for many projects in Dacorum schools over the last few years.